Looking at that makes me realize JUST how much she's grown. And she has grown in more ways than one. She is such a funny little thing. Her expressions are all over the place and she never fails to make daddy and I both laugh. She gives the best kisses and hugs and while we certainly have our moments (um, daily) she is still the most amazing little creature and I cannot imagine, cannot even momentarily FATHOM, my life without her. It is still very surreal, to know that she is mine. It still feels (in an odd, foggy way) like it's not really real. Having spent so many years feeling like I would never have this-ever- it is hard to wrap myself around the fact - even almost two years later - that I do. I really do. She is mine. All mine. I have it. I will always be missing a piece of me because I will forever miss my boy Logan. But Ella fills me in a way I couldn't have ever anticipated. I imagine if he were here as well, I would be bursting at the seams. Oh, how I wish that were so!